Monday, October 30, 2006

I can't access to Blogspot Again...

Blogger(blogspot) is being blocked in China AGAIN… Dame it!

I thought that after I can access blogspot during September 2006 and since China no longer block that domain, I stopped my friendster blog and start dumping whatever i feel like sharing on blogspot... It was really fun and I got to learn a bit of web editing from it... But... What a stupid thing that happen again... Initially I thought it was some server breakdown or upgrade from blogspot, because I can't access it on last Thursday... then it was Friday... Saturday... then Sunday... and then today... Basically I cannot see or view any site with again... so it is back to square one... It was being blocked/banned by China.

China considering blogger registration system
Monday, October 23rd, 2006
In response to media reports, the Internet Society of China (ISC) confirmed that a blogger registration system was being considered by the Ministry of Information Industry, though no official policies have been made. The system would require all bloggers–including those who write under pseudonyms–to register with authorities under their real names.

The Great Firewall of China
The net police do not make the reasons for such actions public, but Chinese bloggers point out that DynaWeb, an anti-censorship service run by overseas Chinese, had been using a blog on to publish proxy server addresses that allowed users to get around the Great Firewall. The authorities’ blanket blockade affected all China’s bloggers, leaving them suddenly unable to reach their journals.

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