Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Relationship is like waiting for bus?

In a coffee shop, it was discussed that relationship seems like “waiting for bus”.

Often when we are waiting for a particular bus, other buses keeps coming and we give it a miss… If the bus we waited for comes on a regular timing, we will take it for granted and board it as it seems to be… But sometimes when we waited for a particular bus (especially when we are in a hurry), the waiting time always seems so long, and the worse part is that when it finally arrived, it is packed and everyone wants to board it too…

Like in a relationship, whenever we are in one, it seems like we have many other opportunities, and we can go into another relationship anytime… Therefore we often take our relationship for granted and not appreciating it… But whenever we are not in a relationship, it always seems so hard to wait for one to come by and get into it; and when the opportunity finally comes, it seems so hard, as competition is always so strong…

Monday, October 06, 2008

My First Time...

It is not something rare... but it just took me quite awhile to have it done it...
I have always wanted to do it... but... you know... there is always thousand and one excuses...

So on Saturday, 04th of October 2008, while on my way home from work, there was it... Smack right there infront of my face at the entrance of Dobly Ghaut MRT Station(NEL)... Something I thought I always wanted to do, yet have not make an effort to go do it... the opportunity appeared right infront of my eyes...

For my first time... It seems scary in the beginning, but when I realised that I didn't really feel any pain at all... It seems kind of cool as I finally did it...

I gave my blood away...