Thursday, September 28, 2006

A "Life Story" with A "Chalk"

I was on my way home from my office to the subway when I came across this…
Isn’t it interesting? Someone actually wrote a story of himself with a chalk on the walkway at 五道口...
It wasn’t only written on one section of the walkway... there quite were a few along the whole stretch of pavement until the Subway… I wonder what the person is actually trying to do??? Is it an "ART" or kind of way for him to express himself? Ha… Ha… Maybe it is a kind of silent protest…
I really can’t imagine if anyone in Singapore who does this… He or she would have been fined by the police for vandalism already before he or she could finish writing the story… Come to think of it, the only time we don’t get fined is when we use the chalk to draw a circle on the floor when we burn josspaper during Hungry Ghost Festival… and even that, the Govt. don’t like it… Now they are putting big burner around the HDB areas for us to burn the josspaper in… Really spoil the atmosphere of burning josspaper…

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