Thursday, November 09, 2006

Voices in My Head

We often see scenes in cartoons or even in comic books whereby an angel and devil appears out of no where and try to convince the main character to do what or not to do what…

In real life situation, there isn’t really mini devil and angel flowing by our side or sitting on our shoulder… but it appeared like voices inside our head. I have encountered such situations many times in my life… well… it goes like one voice saying… “It’s alright…” the other will say “No…no…no… it’s definitely not alright!” and then for the whole night... These voices will debate until they tired themselves out and then finally allow me to sleep peacefully…

Because of them debating, I get to see things from different view points and really benefited me sometimes… But most of the times they get on my nerves because they don’t know when to stop… When no matter how much they talk and argue… even nothing will change the fact… and they will still continue to argue all night long…

Yesterday night, it happened again…

I was on my way home from work while two ladies approached me and ask for help… They said that they are kind of lost… and they have not eaten for the whole day… most importantly, they have no money with them and hope that I can buy food for them…

Anyway… whatever the story is… I have heard a dozen of times of the same story… First they will ask for food… then ask for some money for transport… same old trick… and the best part is that… a few days or weeks later... they will appear there and ask from you again with a same old story with a look that as if they never meet you before…

As this thoughts run through my head as the lady ask… my devil smiled and happily thinking how I will reject them and move on to find a good nice warm place for dinner… But… Little did he expected that the next thing I did was to bring the two ladies to a shop nearby… bought them food and drinks… and gave them another 5 bucks for transport…

The debate then started from that very point…

Devil: Hey!!! What are you doing??? What is that all about??? Wasn’t it all set that you should just reject them and walked off…

Angel: Nope… it is good that you should help…

Devil: Hello??? Wake up, will you… this is not the first time… and the previous few times… didn’t you see them appeared again and again after a few weeks, coming with the same old stories and lies… No doubt that they are confirmed con-man this time too…

Angel: But this time it might be real… Who knows??? Some more how can you bear to see people who need help and don’t help them and leave them in this cold weather…

Devil: Come on… Don’t be stupid… even if it is not a lot of money… how many times have you given that money already??? and the worse part is… falling for the same trick again and again… Kaoz!!! It is not charity… it is that you are being conned…

Angel: Hey… at least they make this story sound better then the previous few encounters… anyway… if with only this small amount of money, it can help two people why not…

Devil: Stupid fool… Think you better go straight home… you have just give away your dinner money… you can go back and enjoy your wonderful instant noodles instead…

And they two go on and on… and on… till I reach home… till I finished dinner… until I was about to sleep… then they finally stopped…

Wow… those two really can talk... Seriously… I really hate it when it happens too often… as it will affect my mood, work and life… but last night… it seems really kind of fun…

eeeiiii…anyway… although it might seems too creepy… I believe that many other people encounter such situation too… Initially… they only appeared as an inner self or some thoughts… but soon it will be like voices in your head… and I think…hopefully soon I might even really see a devil and angel popping out and flowing around me and start chatting not stop… Ha… Ha…

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