Thursday, November 16, 2006

How to make China a respected nation ?

One day China can become a well respected nation in the world community of nations, when its government, society and people are gradually transformed from the existing pit of material darkness to one of enlightment. That can happen when the realization occurs:

1. That liberty and freedom are inherent qualities in humans.
2. Human rights and respect for life is real success of civilizations.
3. Money is not the meaning for existence.
4. Greed and avarice only bring a future of darkness.
5. People have souls which is more important than money.
6. Worshipping money is not a civilized thing to do.
7. Enriching the mind with freedom is real happiness.
8. Being humble and accepting shortcomings is not a sign of weakness.
9. There is no need to suffer from any inferiority complex that only promotes negative atttitudes.
10. Tell their char bors to shave their fucking armpits (added by another commenter)
11. Tell their people to stop talking so loudly on their fucking handphones on public transports. (added by another commenter)

I am sure China will change for the better in the future and become a respected member of the world's community of nations. But it will take time, maybe 50 years time, and the rest of the world must show patience and understanding for this to happen.

Posted by Satin888(1-9) and Evilheart(10-11) on's Alfresco Coffee Shop

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