My parent company had an Annual Meeting last week and my company got to take part in it... although... the Annual Meeting was "non of our problem"...
But still, we got to attended it for the sake of attending it...
But still, we got to attended it for the sake of attending it...
See that stupid banner? 清软英泰2006度something something...
What happened was only waiting and waiting...Then there was a bit of stupid games...
Finally the food...
And then we have served our main unwanted purpose for that day...
Next was the "Highlight!"
Company outing... and since it is winter, we went skiing...
Since we took picture of everyone, I think it will be a good chance to introduce my beijing colleagues to everyone too...
Shejun - Software Programmer
Cao Xinlin - Software Programmer
Yangyong - Software Programmer
Wanglei - Software Programmer cum Tester Leader
Feng Qiaolian - Software Tester and our one and only female colleague
Zhang Tongwei - Software Tester
Xue Manxin - Accountant
Group Photo - InfoTech Optimum (Beijing) Co. Ltd.
And of course, as all of us do not know how to ski, we fulfill our objective for the day:
"Stay alive while falling down..." So we all eventually make it through...